Are you getting ready to pack for an upcoming trip? You are almost done and you are wondering what’s missing?
3 copies of airline tickets, passports/visa, itinerary; pack one copy in your carry on, one copy in checked luggage and leave one copy with someone at home.
Travel checklist
Empty bag for souvenirs
Driver’s license and auto insurance card ( in case you decide to rent a car when abroad)
Medical insurance cards and medical history ( especially if traveling alone)
Another photo ID ( just in case)
Leave contact and emergency numbers at home
Place prescription drugs and any essential medications in a carry on bag
Glasses, contacts; don’t forget your contact lens cleaner
Vaccination certificate (if required)
Casual watch; hopefully waterproof
Now you are ready. Have a wonderful trip!
Eva Jordan-Johnson Owner/Travel Consultant Jordan Travel Enterprise P.O. box 37 Oakland Florida 34760