The year I lived in Cape Town was undeniably one of the most transformative years of my life.
One of the main cities in the Republic of South Africa, this place known as the Mother City, quickly replaced San Diego, CA as my favorite place I’d ever lived. My team was working with different student leaders at the area’s universities and technical schools and so I was able to get to know the city fairly well as we traveled from area to area. From the vineyards to the mountains to the beaches, I easily found Cape Town to be the most beautiful place in the world. Adding the incredible people I met, amazing excursions, and the unmatched dining experiences, Cape Town took and still holds the “favorite” title.
One of the main reasons I was so overwhelmingly enthralled with the varied landscapes and natural beauty of the area was because it all pointed me to the majesty and awesomeness of our Creator. I still feel as if someone who doubts the universe was created by a Sovereign God, would question their beliefs once they fly into the Cape Town airport. Beyond that, I learned some lessons that increased my faith and altered the course of my life.
One of the significant lessons I learned that year was
God is faithful to His promises.
In preparation for an entire year away from home in a foreign country that I had never visited, several scriptures encouraged me to trust God and go with the certainty that He had called me and had gone before me. I was humbled by how God showed faithfulness to His Word during that year. Another lesson that I will share here (because, I promise, there are many more!) is it is not “a small world”, my God is a big God! Some people are content to call random meetings a “stroke of luck” or “coincidences”. I’ve had experiences that HAD to have been arranged by an all-knowing and sovereign Being who cares about us immensely and has purposes for us.
It was by GOING that I was able to experience so many moments that literally changed my life.
It has made me more into who I was created to be. Travel allows us to acknowledge the greatness of the God who created this vast and richly diverse world; meet incredible people who Love in meaningful ways in their own contexts; and grants us the privilege to impact our families and communities in ways that are informed by the global perspective we gain. I’d encourage everyone to experience a new place (locally or globally) and look for the ways God is active and real in their experience.
Have you ever had a travel experience that impacted your faith or knowledge of God? Or have you ever traveled with the goal of impacting your spiritual journey? Share below in the comments!
Tia grew up in Southern California and has found home in many places since – including North Carolina, South Africa, Orlando, and Indiana. Currently, her home and heart are in Accra, Ghana with her husband and 4-year old son. She enjoys exploring, learning, and sharing – all of which she is able to do when good food, travel, cultures and people are involved.