Is Your Passport Up to Date?
Who needs a passport?
The US Department of State website is the official source for US passport information. You may have questions similar to the more popular ones I am asked by my Clients and reprinted below. However please refer to the Government website for official answers to specific questions.
Who needs a passport? Everyone who flies out of the USA needs a passport book. This includes children and infants. A drivers license is not acceptable, no matter what your best friend says. Don’t let your vacation be ruined by being denied boarding at the airport. This is not a new policy; it has been in place for many years. It is your responsibility to present the proper documentation.
How do I get a passport? Passports for US citizens are issued by the US Department of State. The first step is to visit the website of the US Department of State and download the application. Complete all the requirements, including proof of citizenship. Take every requirement seriously. Failure to comply will result in a denied passport.
A passport photo is required, and there are specific rules the photo must comply with. One rule that surprises many people is that you cannot wear glasses or a head covering (unless you have medical reasons and a note from your doctor). So read the rules carefully. Passport photos can be taken at many local stores in your area, such as Walgreens.
Can I get a passport card since it is less expensive? A passport card has very limited use. It was created for people who often drive across our adjacent borders into Canada or Mexico. You cannot use it to fly out of the USA. You must have a passport book to fly. So, do not go with the passport card if you will be flying instead of driving.
I got married and changed my last name. Is my passport still good? You are still the same person. You may continue to use the same passport as long as you continue to use this name on your airline ticket. This is certainly true of new brides who often travel abroad within a few days of their name change! With more lead time, It is possible to file for a name change on your passport.
My passport is soon to expire, what do I do? Many countries require that your passport be valid for six months beyond your travel dates, so I advise that you apply for renewal well in advance of passport expiration. Adult passports are good for ten years. Passports for children are good for five years, so be sure to check those of your children well in advance of a trip.
Passport renewals are handled by mail for the most part. Download the renewal application, complete the information, and mail it.
My passport got wet on my last trip. Is it still good?
No. Passports that are damaged must be replaced. The State Department considers replacement necessary for water damage, a significant tear, unofficial markings on the data page, missing visa pages (torn out), a hole punch, or other injuries. Normal wear is acceptable.
How long does it take to get a passport? Processing time is approximately six weeks in most circumstances, however it can take longer, so don’t push the envelope on this one! It is possible to have your passport expedited, meaning you can get it in three weeks. However, this costs an additional $60. You can also pay a passport agency to expedite your passport at even more cost, however they can turn it around in a few days.
How much does a passport cost? New policy!!
Effective, April 2, 2018 the cost of a passport is going up by $10. So, instead of $135 for an adult passport, you will pay $145. For children, instead of $105, you will now pay $115. Apparently the increase is due to a recent study that showed that passport processing cost more than the current fee of $25.
Now is a good time to apply for a passport and save the price increase. This is a good prod for you to get this done so you will be ready to travel without stress of wondering if your passport will arrive in time. Also, you will be prepared with your passport information when you call us to arrange your first trip abroad! We are here to help!
Shared with permission from Karen Quinn of Quinn Travel